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How to Break in Your New Office

03/24/2014 9:35 AM | Deleted user

So you’ve finally made it to your new office, and now it’s time to get everyone settled in and a new routine in place.

Now that you’re here, what should you do?  There’s no prescribed procedure, but here’s a few ideas:

1. Celebrate with Your Employees

Think of all the work you and your employees put in to moving to your new location.  You can do something simple – like having everyone bring in a snack or dish to pass – or if business goes well, you could hire entertainment.  You’ll build a ton of good will with your employees if you choose to do this.

2. Celebrate with Clients and Business Associates

This is a perfect time to build relationships and offer a surprise free gift to clients who attend.  Whatever service or product you’re providing, give them more for free.

3. Invite Other Community Members

It’s important to get to know businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations in the community.  You never know how you could work together to achieve a mutually satisfying outcome in the future.

4. Develop an Orientation/Training Session for Your Employees

If it’s a larger office you’re moving in to, help your employees feel comfortable by developing a training session.  That eliminates much fear and uncertainty on their part.

5. Allow Your Employees to Help Decorate

The dirty work – that you can leave to your CRN team.  The fun stuff, that should involve your employees.  They’ll be spending the next several years of their lives in your office, so they might as well enjoy how it’s decorated.  Also, because they get to take ownership of the new office, they’ll enjoy being in it more – which means less complaining for you to deal with.

6. Play Some Games

Invent some simple games to play in your new office space to help your employees get comfortable with it.  Ever heard of the sticky-tack movie game?  All you do is use sticky tack to build characters from movies, and everyone else in the office has to guess who they are.  You could also play off-ground tag, which means you simply cannot touch the ground while the person who is “it” tries to tag others.

How you break in your new office is up to you, but hopefully these fun ideas have provided you with inspiration for making the opening of your new office a grand success.

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